May 4, 2009

Tip of the cream

Communicate convictions, culture, character and choice.

It is the roots that cause the tree to bear much fruit.
Many a times people are in awe of the fruits more than the roots which should be the other way round.
Although the immediate thought of roots are: tedious, dirty and more ploughing, that is how a tree gets growing.
To bear good fruits, we need to have good roots.
Shouldn't we then take to observe our roots(insides, character, substance, DNA, convictions) before we focus on the fruits of our ministry?

Because when there is inner change, there is outer reaction.
At the end of the day God does not directly gives us glory for the things we've done physically, but the intangibles that we observed.
Before we run after our ministry, we need to run first to God before He can empower us.

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