May 25, 2009


Goodbye Tworice, say Hello to 1016 @ Tumblr. See you there! :>

May 19, 2009

In love we grow

Love we grow.
Hello breakthrough.

May 15, 2009


I love reading my bible; I love praying alone; I love singing hymns to God and throw down all crowns; I love to seek His face at every new day for more of Him today!

I love my God, don't you? :>

May 13, 2009


This movie 'Taken' was a real good one. Go catch it. The real world is scary.
"Daddy, you found me!"
Just like how He found us.

May 12, 2009



Adriena: Why is red the best colour?! (Referring to his nickname, see below)

Leon 'Red is the colour of the Rain on May 23 and 24! Ask me why! (:':
Cos weather forcaster announced that on that 2 days, the rain will be red
no reason
mother nature

Red Rain's the coolest band ever and I mean it from my heart. I'm really excited about it because it's more than the music and lights. It's the Light in their darkess and Love in the midst of their hate. We need to go back down and be the vessels that are being called. This is the time to really love and it shouldn't be a one time thing...

Let's do it together. 2000 is easy!

May 11, 2009


When Teddy Grams and Finger Paint come together, they bring creativity back on its feet once again.

May 8, 2009

Stillness of the Lord.
'Wait and you shall see.'

Epic moment of expectations

I press on towards the high calling.
Convictions will sink into the hearts, and so will the burden.
Deeper, more.

His maturity grew, so proud of him! :>

It is my honour to be part of the next generation, building and helping them.

May 7, 2009


Flow through.
In awe, admiration, desire, hopes, ownership, responsiblity.

It's good to see someone smile. We went to visit Crystal @ KK Hospital. Surprised her 2 by 2 (like Noah) up ward 75. She was beaming. Her mom and aunt also had a really good impression of us. They were impressed.

It's beyond that. Strength, not weak. Yes.

May 6, 2009

Puzzle fix

I call this living life.
Nadine and I are chatting..
Zee Avi on my playlist.
Set of to-dos by dawn.
Eager to work since there isn't school on Weds.

This is just what I need.
Out of my comfort zone.
When my ceiling becomes the floor.
Newness, new roots, new beginnings!
Change of hearts, not the change of minds.

Proverbs 14:4

We're free to decide right from wrong, yes from nos, happiness from sadness, dependence or independence, to love or not to hate.

May 5, 2009


Twitter just allows me more space.
I am so inspired by our very own Pastors. They have made the way and allowed us to walk in the path they have carved. We will reach 2000 in a jiffy.

I cannot wait.

In the meantime, it's back to the roots and more roots.
Ahhhh, love the smell of fertilizers (not literal) and fresh sunlight.

I am ready and all set.

Fall alseep in ropes of dreaming


Everyone has so much to say, so much to do.
But we forget one thing.

Thank You for Your endless efforts.
I finally understood.
It just brings goosepimples everytime He unveils something bit by bit.

You just need to get yourself together. I realise between 16-18, it is the phase that is the hardest but most satisfying to pass.
You can do it. Don't give up. We're beliving in you. Keep pressing on. :>

May 4, 2009

A dozen slow dances

Tip of the cream

Communicate convictions, culture, character and choice.

It is the roots that cause the tree to bear much fruit.
Many a times people are in awe of the fruits more than the roots which should be the other way round.
Although the immediate thought of roots are: tedious, dirty and more ploughing, that is how a tree gets growing.
To bear good fruits, we need to have good roots.
Shouldn't we then take to observe our roots(insides, character, substance, DNA, convictions) before we focus on the fruits of our ministry?

Because when there is inner change, there is outer reaction.
At the end of the day God does not directly gives us glory for the things we've done physically, but the intangibles that we observed.
Before we run after our ministry, we need to run first to God before He can empower us.

May 3, 2009

Spectrum of enthus

I really want to get into your brains.

There was freshness breathed into me once again.
Having strength to with hold new glory is definitely a God-need.
I've learned that the human strength cannot do plenty.

Psalm 139 says the thoughts that God thinks about us are as many as the sand.
We were at Sentosa on Friday and i decided to count some sand.
Just a finger tip of it is already between 60-100 grains. (I know, seems silly)

I sensed it. A newness that gripped the heart. It will begin. It already has.
Out of the comfort, it's time for more.
One by one, again and again! : >


May 2, 2009

We've never had life like this.

Made day heavenD

Douglas is teaching Justine Math now! It's heart warming, it is it is.
The next generation will be better than the previous generation :>

May 1, 2009